Monday, November 19, 2007

Ruling - Case Lindsay Druart vs SL Marketing from SLM on WSE

But the best thing about the post is.....

SL Marketing's Official StatementSL Marketing will honor the payment of noted amount of L$32,000. The amount of L$8,000 will be posted to her account in 4 installments totaling up to the noted amount.

The payments will fall on the following Thursdays at 11:59 Eastern.

November 22, 2007 @ 23:59 (GMT-5)

November 29, 2007 @ 23:59 (GMT-5)

December 06, 2007 @ 23:59 (GMT-5)

December 13, 2007 @ 23:59 (GMT-5)

This will terminate any outstanding debts that SL Marketing has currently.As always, if anyone has any questions, please forward them to

Best Regards,

Jon Desmoulins

It takes a month to pay $32,000L?

LLBT Does NOT affect LLRS

Today, LLBT suffered a hack and theft depleting the bank's linden balance to 24k with over 3 million in missing funds. The question was asked how this affects LLRS. It does NOT as LLRS funds are held in a different account and very little was on deposit at the bank. The LLRS account balance was a little over 30k. All funds from the secondary are still held in LNL Bing. Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions.

All Bank Activity Halted Until Further Notice

At about 3:50am SLT, I got an IM from Tyrian Camillo of SLIB stating that someone was depositing fraudulent lindens and to be careful. I looked at the bank records and saw a 10 million deposit from Betatester Allen who then withdrew $20,500. The account was disabled from Tyrian's alert and LL refunded back the $20,500.

I was checking the account to make sure they didn't ding us for 150% as per the TOS and as I was refreshing the screen, I watch the balance drop before my eyes. In a matter of 3 minutes, the ATM located at the Banking and Investment Center owned by Mateo Infinity on Vacit was hacked and payments made to an avatar by the name of Hamid Jewell totalling a little over 3 million linden running the bank avatar down to $24k. The exact total is not known currently since it was several transactions over the period of time and the legitimate transactions of the day are not showing up for me currently.

I have contacted Concierge and the Governance team are working on the issue. The alt account has been halted and the ATM returned. All ATMs are offline until further notice. All current CD accounts will be halted and returned to their account holders at their current balances. We are waiting for LL to finish their investigation and return the lindens. At that time we will evaluate the loss, if any and proceed from there.

This notice will be posted as many places possible and given to other banks to release as they see fit. I will update the market as I get information and I will be plugging at Concierge all day. I am taking off my RL job to get done what I can so I will be in world or at least in Gtalk if anyone wants to speak with me at and I will gladly respond as soon as possible.

I ask that everyone keep calm until I get a resolution to this from Linden Labs. Thank you.


Lindsay Druart