Monday, January 14, 2008

Response to Luke Connell's Group Notice

The following was posted to the WSE Listings Group:

"Dear CEO's,
It has been brought to our attention by fellow CEO's that there is an SL resident representing a new start up stock market by Lindsey Druart attempting to convince CEO's to move from the WSE to her new exchange.

This has been the common tactic used by other in the past to no avail. They try to approach CEO's with offers of discounts if they move, false and misleading statements about WSE to scare CEOs along with many unrealistic promises. Please IM me if you are contacted.

Regards, Luke"

Yes, there was a representative of my company asking other CEO's of WSE questions about their experiences in an attempt to assist as much as possible. L&L Financial Services is NOT a start up exchange as Luke Connell has suggested and does not seek to be one. We are a brokerage service that offers trading of companies on approved exchanges and simply we attempted to allow companies to be able to trade during the closure of WSE.

I, nor my representatives have made any false or misleading statements about WSE nor has anything unrealistic been promised. Nothing has been promised for that matter. For that matter, Luke and I had talked at length about allowing the trade of WSE shares during its closure so this was not a new concept to him. Luke cannot deny the information in my blog so he seeks to get people on his side to defame me. Common tactic of Luke Connell. And my name is spelled Lindsay Druart. Thanks!