Monday, October 1, 2007

*Cracks knuckles and begins to type* The Financial Sector and the Talons of Plight

Ok....I have been barking about this thing for a few days now and here it is.....the vultures are on the prowl BUT the amount of dead bodies for them to feed on is diminishing. This is for one of two reasons....enhanced due diligence and loss of faith in the virtual market.

Which one of those factors is reigning true? And the winner is...... DUE DILIGENCE....

While a faithful few are saying "to hell" with the virtual exchange many people are starting to do more research. Just like Linden Labs abandonment of its residents, the stock exchanges are abandoning its investors. Is it because they don't care? Doubtful. It is a numbers game with money being the vice grip but in plain and simple terms, exchanges can't afford to bail out investors and that is not the purpose of the platform.

So then, what is the virtual stock exchange? A middle man to trade on and nothing more. The exchanges only responsibility to the market is to make sure that the platform is operational and that they have done the due diligence to allow a company to list. Outside of that, it's not their problem, BUT, we as investors are trying to make it such.

It's the beginning of a bankruptcy waiting to happen if this is the case.....Now I know there are a few in the crowd with a noose ready to string me up so let me step on the other side of this soap box for a moment.

Exchanges usually have a good idea of patterns that don't make sense such as unusual trading days and tremendous price fluxes and day trading from the CEO. Ding Ding Ding! Red flag! Something is wrong here! But, going back to the soap box, what can the exchange do AFTER the IPO has been completed and the money is spent? Is there anything that can be this as much as we as investors want them to do something, they can't. we are...out of our investment and wanting our money back. Considering RL legal action can open the doors for ALL of us to be fined for trading securities illegally, that is not the way to go.....freezing someone bank account at another institution opens up a whole other door of fraud and privacy issues with the bank to their what the hell do we do?

Here is my suggestion....Linden Labs will only do something when they are bombarded to do it. That is evident from my past experiences. Blanket the support tickets with abuse reports over and over and over again and EVERYONE do it on the same person. Linden Labs has to open their eyes one day and realize their little BETA TEST has become a platform to swindle people from hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Will they say shut down exchanges? Heck's a viable marketing tool for them if they play right in the sandbox. Just like the petition on the Land Bots, maybe we can do something here that will at least ask for some help.

I personally went to LL to start a mentoring group sponsored by LL for the financial sector alone and have been put on the back burner. My voice is loud but I am getting hoarse. Can we all agree to force the hand here?

My knight in shining....nipples rings......

HAH, I know the title caught a few eyes but it's true.....

First and foremost, I want to give thanks, praise, love, care, and respect to one of the best things that I have had the chance to encounter in Second Life.

I can always count on a kind word with a nuzzle and a hug. He makes me laugh, smile, and giggle from SL all the way to Yahoo. He inspires me to do things I haven't done in years (not the naughty things). I honestly can say he has filled a void for me in SL with his grilled cheese sandwich and cheesy tomato soup to his chocolate chip pancakes (OMG I am giggling like hell). There has not been one time that he has made me sad or mad because I know he is only human and people have other stuff going on in RL.

He's weird and quirky but always interesting. He's funny and kind even though he's kinda quiet. He's a silent flirt which makes him that much more inviting and he "dings" when he walks (if my smile got any bigger my face would sink in). My day is not complete without seeing or talking to my incubus friend to see how his day was or just to virtually nip at him even when he falls asleep on me from time to time.

So this blog is to you, my incubus friend....Severus Seversky....huggles and nuzzles and all that jazz.

And the mouth speaks....

So since I always have a lot to say, I decided to finally blog my stuff....keep in mind this is not all business though this is all Second Life. Some things here may be personal as well but, I try to be a good read....Feel free to blast me...WITHIN REASON....I am not always right but at least be respectable. There is a right and a wrong way to do things.

Have fun in my blog and keep coming back for more!