Monday, October 29, 2007

Kudos to Kejo Merlin Land Group

While I am sad to hear that a company has lost due to VAT and is forced to liquidate, I am glad that KJL's CEO actually ASKED investors what they wanted to do with regard to the liquidation of the company. THIS is what a real CEO does. Even the financial report showed a 2 million linden loss. WOW....huge loss but huge honesty. There are companies currently paying dividends yet they have unpaid debts to others.....far be it for me to name a name but I am sure a hit dog will holler eventually.

It is refreshing to see that a company will actually admit that they took a loss and ask shareholders what they would like to do with the remainder of company assets. Since the halt of KJL on WSE, I am confident that Kejo will handle the shareholders accordingly and he gets an A plus in my book just for the effort alone.

Good luck in the future with the RL company, Kejo and I hope things work out better for you.

More News on RPG Sims

So far the resolution on the Registration API for RPG Sims is looking like a yes even though me and a few other people are getting errors when trying to vote. I have been working behind the scenes on this and was informed of some very interesting news.

Hostel, Dark City: Obsidian City, and Leonetta (Port Druart) are all Dynamic Combat System 2 (DCS2) Sims by Dimentox Travanti. As of yesterday, the DCS2 system holds around 62,000 characters with about 12,000 unique avatars on 147 sims. What does this mean? This means there are more people involved in live action roleplaying than most banks have customers and with that many characters, most RPers frequent several places. Dark City: Obsidian City rents apartments and Hostel will do the same and rent shops as well. This is the next wave of real estate in Second Life. Bringing the game back to the game and applying living to it.

With this in mind, the Orientation Island that we are working on for the RPG sims will house a DCS2 Resource Center that will advertise the RPG sims using that combat system. While there are many other combat systems available, we feel that the DCS system is the most modable for different aspects of roleplaying and the most user friendly for the sim owners to operate.

While the focus has shifted a bit to the RPG side of the house, we have not forgotten the 2 sim additions that are to be added to the Port Continent but we are waiting on land prices to stablize before going into another sim.

I am applying for the Registration API today and will update the market as the project progresses.