Wednesday, October 3, 2007

When the game becomes real...

This has been a long standing debate about the purpose of Second Life. I was told some TV show last night did a spoof on metaverses resulting in a kidnapping which was far fetched and few from my knowledge but, hey, I could be wrong. This is personal experience here and even opinion so walk with me for a moment.

So....when does this platform become real...the minute you log on. This is a mere platform of operation. NOT a game. A game is where you play a character and try to get to some common goal. Even through we do not have our real names in Second Life, our second lives are what we make of them and in MOST cases are a reflection of who we are.

For instance, I am Goth/Punk/Demon in SL. I could NEVER pull that off RL. I am always in two piece suits and pumps in RL while I may be in a mini skirt and hooker pumps in SL. It's my release I guess. Who I am in SL is pretty close to me in RL personality wise but I think I am much nicer in SL. And I will be the first to admit that if I get upset in SL, I am cussing and fussing RL or something worse depending on what it is. I have thrown a few items before. So...let's look at do spark emotion....but at that point, is it still a game?

Keep walking and let me know if I need to slow down. Money - I spent my rent money in SL to start L&L Rentals and Sales and with personal investments, I made that back and have a residual of a little more than $500 USD a month above and beyond business assets. That is pennies compared to the time I spend in SL on business. I would say I spend 70 hours a week either in world or doing SL related business so that means I make a wopping $1.78/hour. WOOT!! Retirement here I come. However, this extra income pays this still a game?

You're dragging behind me a little...grab my hand to keep up. Friendship - I was sick last week and the IMs and emails I got checking up on me were enormous and heartfelt. I swear I never knew that many people actually gave a hoot. I cried on a shoulder or two. I whined and sighed on voice. I have even taken a few of my SL friends into my RL via telephone, yahoo, MSN, Google Talk, or AOL. Just to name a few of my list that I may talk to more in RL than SL (not necessarily about RL):

Luke Birdbrain **
Severus Seversky **
Pieter Seelowe *
Janvier Redgrave *
Orillion Writer*
SelesteMxx Maxsted
Winter Mendes
Skitzo Rolls
LukeConnell Vandeverre
Bogart Beck
Rob Anatine

Two stars means I care about them tons, one star is really good friends, and no stars are aquaintances or business. I can honestly say that I would not still be in SL if it had not been for the other L in L&L, Luke Birdbrain. So we ended the marriage....I got a great friend and business partner out of the deal and I am sure he feels the same way. There are a few people in SL that have make me giddy and there are a few that have made me hurt and this still a game?

Last stop, I promise. I know your feet are tired. Education - I came into SL knowing a good bit about business and personal stocks but oh my what I have learned about running a public company. I am not quite the idiot but if you had asked me what GAAP compliant meant a few months ago, I would have just said "what?" over and over until you stopped asking me (and I still might do that now). I had to Google NAV and still have problems calculating it from time to time. I ask a ton of questions and listen to a lot of people talk to learn things. I have probably learned more mySQL from having to crash course to run the bank than I would in class......really, is this still a game?

There is a thin line between fantasy and reality and SL crosses it, spanks it, and buries it under ground. How you cross that line is your business but realize that this is NOT a game, not matter how you "play" it.