Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Where did it all go wrong? The Investor Allen story...

As intriguing as this story is, I had not be able to make a comment on SL CapEx about this whole saga because I was officially silenced by the Chairman himself, Arbitrage Wise. Guess the heat got a little hot in the kitchen so he put me out. So now I breathe this new air of freedom with the lack of bondage since I no longer have to play the corporate puppet. I have severed all ties with SL CapEx outside of LLBT and I like things better this way. I don't get caught up in the bureaucratic BS on the back end but.....moving on here....said my peace on that and that is all I am saying. I look forward to the coming improvements for my shareholders and for myself.

Any who.....this Investor Allen thing is interesting and it goes back to what I had said in the forums. Fraud breeding more fraud. It seems to be an endless cycle with this kid Kyle. That's why I dropped him as a client. I advised him to sell off assets, pay everyone, and STOP DOING BUSINESS IN SL.

This kid won't listen and is about as forthright in his word as a Linden is timely in a support ticket. That's pretty doggone slow. But there is a clear pattern here. A pattern of "i will do what i can to save face no matter what the cost." While the words itself are noble, the methods used here are deplorable.


You have lied to us going on a year now and you expect us to have faith in you. Not to mention, you have undisclosed alts that you operate under, you are trying to sell software on something that you sold someone else IP rights to under a FALSE name on the contract, you are selling assets that are not rightfully yours.....when does it end? When do you admit that you screwed up and leave? You won't! You have scammed once, twice, thrice, and are still scamming now. I went out of my way to help you and you still see the dollar. Screw that....next time you will see the bars and at that point I could care less about your age or your family because you aren't caring about anyone elses.


The Portfolio of a Mad Black Woman

I wrote off my VCE losses because it was chump change compared to now. But what really amazed me about this kid.....I have never seen someone go from talking about shooting someone to pleading not to go to jail to trying to do another scam with BNT all in a matter of minutes. I muted the simpleton on mere principal of apparent idiocy. Something doesn't sit well with me here and I will be continuing my research to find out these undisclosed alts.

I know you have them Allen and when I finally out you THIS time....I won't be nice about it. You are messing with everyone's business here with your antics...I WANT DAMAGES!!! (laughing so hard on that one....). But seriously, you are disrupting the market here and as a CEO and an investor, explaining isn't going to work.

Plain and simple, I am asking that you not do business in Second Life at all. Pick a new metaverse to scam camp on and leave us be. We got a good thing here and you are pouring salt in the kool-aid. Just pay and go away. PLEASE!

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